[Infographic] Small Businesses: Your Cheat Sheet to Facebook Insights

Facebook insights can help you market your small business better, like this entrepreneur at his computer.

Facebook is the most frequently used social media platform for small business owners, which is fortunate because of the FB Insights feature.

With over 1.52 billion daily active users, there’s a whole new market of internet users who you have the potential to bring brand awareness to. FB Insights also helps you keep track of and measure your Facebook marketing success with KPIs on your business page.

The main KPIs that Insights looks at for your page are Post Likes, Post Reach, and Engagement. Those three areas help to identify how your content is doing —in fact, it can tell you a whole lot about your content, such as:

  • Quality of your posts
  • If you’re posting enough
  • Which subjects your followers like the most
  • The best times for you to upload posts
  • If you’re getting enough engagement from followers
  • And so much more!

The most significant benefit of Facebook Insights is that it can help you fine-tune the type of content you post organically, which may allow you to save money on your marketing efforts instead of blowing your budget.


Use Facebook Insights to Get More Attention

  1. Facebook’s algorithm is always changing.

    Once you think you’ve finally figured out the Facebook algorithm, it could change. Insights help you stay on top of page performance even with those changes.

  2. Get an overview of your business’s Facebook page activity.

    To track how well you’re doing, Facebook Insights allows you to look at your post likes, post reach, and engagement from the past week.

  3. See if your content is resonating with your customers.

    When you look at the metrics on Facebook Insights, you can further evaluate how good your content is and if you need to make adjustments.

Use Facebook Insights to Understand Your Customers

  1. You learn about your customer by viewing the content they respond to.

    When you look at metrics such as post likes, reach, engagement, and then look at your page likes, you can figure out if you’re converting customers to followers.

  2. Facebook Insights shows you how your different forms of content perform.

    You’ll see if people prefer video content versus images, and you can create content that caters to their preferences.

  3. Know who your customers are.

    Facebook Insights provides a demographic report so you know average age, gender, and the locations of your customers.

Measure Your Content Success with Key Metrics

  1. Page Likes.

    Broken down into “Total Likes,” “Net Likes,” and “Where These Likes Happened,” you can see how well you’re growing by how many Page Likes you’re getting and what kinds of content lead to those Page Likes.

  2. Post Reach.

    This gives you the information on how many people have viewed your content and how they chose to interact with it. From there, you can figure out which type of content performs better than others.

  3. Post Engagement.

    Look at how people are interacting with your content — are there a good amount of Likes, Comments, and Shares? Is the engagement positive or negative? This helps inform you of how well your content is resonating.

Interact with Your Followers to Grow Your Follow Count

  1. Look at what time your followers are online.

    This helps you to know the best time to upload your content so that you can get more followers to view your posts.

  2. Engage in posts that are getting the most engagement.

    Interaction doesn’t just come from your followers — give your business a human touch by interacting with the customers who comment on your posts.

  3. Tag your posts with hashtags that relate to your average follower’s demographics.

    By hashtagging cities, common interests, and topics that intrigue your followers, you’ll get your content in front of more people organically.

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Pauline Germanos

When she’s not writing for SB, Pauline runs an intuitive healing business… and is still writing as she types up psychic readings! As she was raised by entrepreneurs, she knows what it takes to be a small business owner.

Pauline writes on a number of topics such as small business owner resources, marketing, and customer service and retention.