What to Create a Blog About


Last year, I decided to become a digital nomad. Everyone I knew said, “You should create a blog about it.” And that’s how my personal blog was born.

My idea for a blog just fell on my lap. But what if it didn’t? I suppose I would be reading an article just like this one.

If you’re an aspiring blogger and don’t know what to write about, don’t despair. Anyone can write a blog, and this article can help you find your niche. There are over 31 million active bloggers in the United States, but none of them are you. Only you can share your stories, your knowledge, and your perspective.

But first, you must decide what to create a blog about.

I can’t give you the answer, but I can give you three things to consider:

  1. What do you know?
  2. What do you love?
  3. What do you do?

Answering those questions may help you discover your blog topic. You also may realize why you want to create a blog. Maybe you want to become a better writer, or perhaps you want to start a blog to make money.

Whatever your reason, your blog will be a way to inspire and connect with others. And it will be exclusively yours! So let’s get started by finding your topic.

What to Start a Blog About?

Screenwriter Syd Field wrote in his book, The Screenwriter’s Handbook, “The hardest thing about writing is knowing what to write.”

I can’t tell you how often I’ve caught myself staring at a blank screen and a blinking cursor. Not knowing what to write is unnerving. And if you’re struggling to find a blog topic, you may be ready to give up. But don’t despair. There are many ways to spark ideas for blogs, and I have some tips for how to get started.

Focus on your passion.

What are your interests? Maybe it’s fitness or poetry, or aerial photography. Whatever it is, blogging about something you love makes perfect sense. Once you choose a topic, consider how to bring a unique perspective to it. For example, if your blog is about finance, you could write about your own financial goals and how you’re achieving them.

Read other blogs.

The blogs you’re already reading may hold the key to what you want to write about. Spend time exploring other blogs and writing down what you like about them. With about 3.2 million blog posts created daily, finding a topic that no one is writing about may be difficult. Instead, consider ways to make your blog stand out. It all goes back to the unique spin you can put on any topic.

Become a teacher.

For most topics, that doesn’t mean you have to be an expert. I started my blog because so many people had questions about how to become a digital nomad. Including me! Many people are curious about the topic, so sharing what I know makes me feel like an expert (even if I’m not). So if people constantly ask you for advice about a topic, you should consider writing about it.

Fill a void.

Look for opportunities when you read other blogs. I love food blogs, and I have a family member who has food allergies, and many food blogs don’t address allergies. I’m always grateful when encountering food allergy bloggers who adapt recipes to avoid tree nuts. Look for the gaps in the content you’re reading, and you may find an idea for a blog.

Offer solutions to problems.

Think about common problems or pain points that people experience. How can you offer a solution? For example, if your closets are the envy of all your friends, you may have a knack for home organization. You could share your top tips for decluttering, showcase a project each week, and highlight before and after photos. When you help people solve problems, you add value to their lives, and that’s worth writing about.

Test out ideas.

If you don’t know what to create a blog about, you may be overwhelmed by too many topics. Pick your top three topics and brainstorm dozens of post ideas for each. If you can’t develop post ideas for a given topic, it may not be a natural fit for you. On the other hand, if you have fifty ideas for one subject, you may have found your niche!

How to Start Blogging

No matter your topic, you must set up your blog before posting. That was an intimidating process for me. I didn’t know how to get started and had many questions such as, “Which blogging platform should I use?” and “How do I register a domain name?”

As it turns out, starting a blog wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be. If you follow these 5 simple steps, you should be blogging in no time:

1. Choose your topic.

As I mentioned earlier, you have to know what your blog is about before you can start blogging. If you already have a blog topic, you’re ready for Step 2!

2. Name your blog.

Every blog needs a name (also known as your domain name). It should be simple, memorable, and reflective of your content. If your blog is about dogs, you could call it Barking Mad or That Doggone Blog. Check out this site for more inspiration. Once you choose a name, make sure it’s available, and purchase your domain.

3. Select a blogging platform.

Some popular blogging platforms include WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. Explore a few options and then choose one that’s easy to use and offers the features you need. These may include adding photos, videos, plugins, and more. If you use a free platform, like the ones mentioned above, you likely won’t have to purchase a domain name or hosting. What’s hosting? Read on.

4. Get your blog online.

You need blog hosting (web hosting) and blogging software to get your blog online. Don’t let those technology terms scare you away. Software and hosting are usually packaged together, and many platforms like Bluehost offer support to walk you through setup.

5. Start blogging.

Once your blog is set up, it’s time to write your first post. Start by welcoming your readers and letting them know what they can expect from your content. In addition, think about how often you want to post. It may be unrealistic to post every day, but consider keepinga regular pace, or your readers may lose interest. You can always write posts ahead of time and use your blogging platform to schedule them to go live on a specific day and time.

Hopefully, you’ll see that starting a blog is a lot easier than you thought it would be. But if you’re still stuck on Step 1, hang in there. One of the biggest hurdles of blogging is figuring out what to write about. Even if you know your passion and have found your niche, you still may have trouble developing topics.

Every blogger will likely hit a dry spell when creating content. That’s when it’s helpful to have a go-to source for inspiration. I’m going to share some tips for how to come up with great blog post ideas. While I’m using specific examples, any blogger can try these tricks of the trade:

How to Start a Fitness Blog

Is your fitness blog hitting a wall? Here are five fitness blog post ideas to help you recover:

1. Focus on a personal story.

Have you ever had an injury that prevented you from reaching a fitness goal? Write about your personal challenge. Sharing your story will help you connect with readers who have had similar experiences.

2. Find inspiration in your followers.

There may be an excellent idea for a post in your blog’s Comments section. Perhaps the same questions and topics are popping up. For example, many readers want to know the best time of day to work out. You could write a blog about that.

3. Look at trending topics.

Is reverse running a thing? Yes, you can write about it! Check out Google Trends or Exploding Topics to learn what’s trending and find a topic you’re comfortable writing about.

4. Write about nutrition.

Fitness and nutrition often go hand in hand, so writing an article about diet, wellness, or weight loss makes sense. For a change of pace, share your favorite protein shake recipe, your weekly meal plan, and your healthy shopping tips.

5. Review your favorite fitness gear.

Your blog is a great place to share your thoughts about your favorite fitness gear and equipment. If you own a gym bag you can’t live without, write a blog about why. Other ideas for posts include product roundups, guides, and informational articles.

How to Start a Business Blog

If you’re starting a business blog, here are some ways to generate new post ideas:

1. Interview a thought leader.

Industry experts usually have insider tips and strategies that you can share with your audience. Here’s how to interview a thought leader and create a compelling blog post.

2. Create a weekly roundup.

No matter what industry you’re blogging about, there’s always news. Round up the best news stories and create a weekly post about them.

3. Cover an industry trend.

Write about a trend in your industry or a general business trend. For example, you may have experience leading a remote-based team. Share what you’ve learned and your predictions for the future.

4. Do a series on one topic.

If you find it challenging to come up with many different topics, think about creating a blog series about one subject. A blog series is an excellent way to engage readers on a single theme and keep them coming back for more. Remember to link your posts together so readers can easily navigate between them.

5. Write about a business challenge.

It’s OK to talk about your failures in your business blog. Your audience looks to you for inspiration and experience. If they learn from your mistakes, obviously your blog is adding value.

How to Write a Food Blog

Do you need a second helping of blog ideas ? Here’s some food for thought:

1. Review a cookbook.

If you’re a foodie, you probably have a cookbook that has your scribbled notes all over the pages. Share your thoughts on what you love (or don’t love) about a famous food author’s cookbook.

2. Show off your kitchen.

Your food blog doesn’t always have to be about food. Your audience may enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at your kitchen, equipment, pantry, and workstation.

3. Highlight an unusual ingredient.

Find some inspiration in unusual ingredients and post about ways to use them. Most people don’t know how to cook with activated charcoal or black seed oil, so your blog post could be enlightening.

4. Focus on a culinary region.

Whether Italian, Thai, or Middle Eastern, start with a cuisine in your comfort zone. You could feature a different region each month and write blog articles that cover food, history, and culture.

5. Share your kitchen hacks.

Do you know the best way to soften butter or get those annoying skins off hazelnuts? Do tell! Everyone likes to read about ways to make life easier, so a blog post about your best kitchen hacks is sure to please.

How to Start a Photography Blog

Is your photography blog losing focus? Here’s some inspiration for your next post.

1. Share your process.

Writing a post about how you approach photography can be a great way to make a connection with your audience. Show them your sketchbook and designs, and talk them through how you plan a photo shoot.

2. Show off your workspace.

Invite your readers into your world with a tour of your studio or workspace. Share images of your camera equipment and props, and explain why they are essential to your craft.

3. Write about a hobby.

You’re a photography blogger, but you likely have other hobbies. If you like to hike, it may explain why so much of your photography is focused on nature. Write a blog about your other pursuits, especially if they inspire your photography.

4. Review a product.

As a blogger, there are different ways to approach product reviews. You could write a blog post about the camera lens you just bought. Or a company may ask you to test out their camera equipment in exchange for a review. You may want to become a product review blogger if writing reviews appeals to you.

5. Highlight another photographer.

Blogging about other photographers is something you could do monthly to promote a sense of community. If you admire the work of a fellow photographer, write a post about them. You can share a link to their blog or website and encourage others to check them out.

What Kind of Insurance Should a Blogger Have?

You may not think bloggers would ever need insurance. But there are some risks involved with blogging. So we recommend blogger insurance to help protect you against costly claims. Two policies we typically recommend for bloggers are general liability insurance and business personal property. insurance.

Bloggers can benefit from general liability insurance because it can help cover costs associated with third-party injury claims.

As a blogger, you create content that people read for entertainment, information, or advice. You may wonder how you could hurt anyone by writing a blog. Well, it can happen. Even if you’re not a well-known writer, your blogging content could put you at risk for libel, defamation, copyright infringement, and more.

Let’s say you’re a travel blogger, and you write a review about portable power chargers. You give one of them a low rating, saying that it’s heavy and slow to charge. In your blog, you call it “inefficient,” and you write, “There are better chargers out there.”

After your blog posts, the charger company sues you for libel. They say your negative review discredited their product and cost them sales. When you consider that reputational harm (e.g., slander or libel) can cost $50,000 on average, you may think twice about blogger insurance. The last thing you need is a lawsuit.

Even if you’re found not guilty, you still may be required to cover the costs of defending yourself. With general liability insurance, you’re covered up to your policy limits for covered claims.

You can expect most general liability policies for bloggers to typically cover:

  • Third-party property damage (aka clients or vendors)
  • Third-party bodily injury
  • Medical expenses
  • Personal and advertising injury
  • And more

Another policy we recommend for bloggers is personal property insurance. Think about the equipment you use to create your blogs. You may have an expensive laptop and camera. If those items were to get damaged, you would have to pay out of your own pocket to replace them.

With personal property insurance, you can be reimbursed for your damaged property. Imagine the peace of mind you’ll have, knowing that you may be covered if something goes wrong.

At Simply Business, we can help you find affordable blogger insurance that fits your needs and budget. Getting coverage can take as little as 10 minutes — just fill out our online quote form to get started.

Ready to get your policy today?

Blog On!

If you made it through this article, you’re one step closer to finding your topic. Remember, you can blog about anything. I just wrote a blog about writing a blog! So don’t let a blank screen and a blinking cursor stop you from following your dream. Let the blogging begin!

Susan Hamilton

I’ve always loved to write and have been lucky enough to make a career out of it. After many years in the corporate advertising world, I’m now a freelance writer—running my own show and contributing to Simply Business. Fun fact: I have three desks in my house, but I still do my best thinking walking in the woods.

Susan writes on a number of topics such as workplace safety, customer sales, and workers’ compensation insurance.